The visual arts produced in Ancient Rome, and in the territories of the Roman empire. Major forms of Roman art include architecture, painting, sculpture and mosaic work. Metal-work, coin-die and gem engraving, ivory carvings, figurine glass, pottery, and book illustrations are considered to be 'minor' forms of Roman artwork.
The Romans were a practical people: in their original works, observation was key; portrait culptures meticulously detailed and unidealized. Portraits of Roman emperors, however, were often used for propagandistic purposes and included ideological messages in the pose, accouterments, or costume of the figure. The Romans also depicted warriors and heroic adventures, in the spirit of the Greeks who came before them. While Greek sculptors traditionally illustrated military exploits through the use of mythological allegory, the Romans used a more documentary mode. Roman reliefs of battle scenes like those on the column of trajan are useful for the first-hand representation of military costumes, etc. Another major contribution of Roman art is the use of concrete in architecture.While the traditional view of Roman artists is that they often borrowed from, copied, or even outright stole Greek precedents, more recent analysis as indicated that Roman art is a highly creative pastiche of Greek, Etruscan, native Italic, and even Egyptian visual culture. Stylistic eclecticism is the hallmark of much of Roman art.
24 abr 2008
In the early days of the Roman republic, the education of children was completely in the hands of their parents.Even as great and powerful men such as Cato the Elder or Aemilius Paulus took their time to personally teach their children basic skills like counting.In a society so centered on the family, this was the natural thing to do.If boys were largely taught by their fathers, then girls were taught by their mothers, which was consistent with the different roles they would play in later life. And, according to those separate roles, boys of landowning households would also be introduced at an early age to some form of martial arts.But with the growth of the empire in the third century BC the wealthier households gradually began to send their children to schools which employed educated Greek slaves as teachers.The languages of Greece and Rome were taught in the school of the grammaticus. Poetry was particularly studied, and some attention was given to the fundamentals of history, geography, physics and astronomy. It is in this function that the grammatici in Rome, who were largely Greek, decided much of the fate of Roman literature. The basic schools did introduce children into the traditional Roman faith, adding further to the moral values which children would be given at home. But the older boys would also be introduced into the basics of Greek philosophy. This led to the upper classes finding alternative, more sophisticated world views than merely old superstitions and the Roman state religion. And so Greek philosophy and art established itself at the very heart of Roman identity. And the wealthy were eager to expose their offspring to the sophistication of Greece. Cicero in his youth listened to lectures given by great Greek philosophers like Phaedrus the Epicurean and Philo of Larissa. Horace as a young man studied in Athens, being exposed to the various branches of Greek philosophy.
The Roman occupation of Britain for nearly four hundred years brought about a great leap in the advancement of technological, industrial and craft skills. The Romans were masters of most branches of craft and technology. Consequently, the native population was quick to acquire and copy new skills transforming daily life.
The Romans introduced new methods of civil engineering, house-building, metal working and pottery manufacture. Other Roman crafts and industries included carpentry, stonemasonry, bone working, spinning and weaving, tile making and quarrying and mining. Because the Dartford area was principally the focus for an agricultural-based economy, industrial activity was not well represented in and around the Darent Valley.
The Romans used leather for all sorts of purposes including the manufacture of clothes, shoes, and horse harness.
The presence of pottery in the tannage pit helped to date it to the last decade of the second century or the very early third century A.D. It would seem that the villa at Lullingstone became temporarily abandoned c. A.D. 200, so the short-lived tanning industry may have existed after the resident family had moved out of the villa.
In general, Roman pottery kilns were little more than ovens, usually partly below ground-level and depending on the type of pottery required, had different types of flues and supports for the pottery undergoing firing.
The Romans introduced new methods of civil engineering, house-building, metal working and pottery manufacture. Other Roman crafts and industries included carpentry, stonemasonry, bone working, spinning and weaving, tile making and quarrying and mining. Because the Dartford area was principally the focus for an agricultural-based economy, industrial activity was not well represented in and around the Darent Valley.
The Romans used leather for all sorts of purposes including the manufacture of clothes, shoes, and horse harness.
The presence of pottery in the tannage pit helped to date it to the last decade of the second century or the very early third century A.D. It would seem that the villa at Lullingstone became temporarily abandoned c. A.D. 200, so the short-lived tanning industry may have existed after the resident family had moved out of the villa.
In general, Roman pottery kilns were little more than ovens, usually partly below ground-level and depending on the type of pottery required, had different types of flues and supports for the pottery undergoing firing.
22 abr 2008
Ancient Roman Family
600 BC to about 1 AD - Before the Imperial Age, in very earlyn Roman times, families were organized rather like mini Greek city states. Everybody in one family lived in one home, including the great grandparents, parents and children. The head of the family was the oldest male. That could be the father, the grandfather, or perhaps even an uncle. Each family had slightly different customs and rules, because the head of the family had the power to decide what those rules were for his family. He owned the property, and had total authority, the power of life and death, over every member of his household. In poor families, the head of the house might decide to put a sick baby out to die or to sell grown-ups in his family into slavery, because there wasn't enough food to feed everyone. A women had no authority. Her job was to take care of the house and to have children.
In the Imperial Age: Late 1st century AD to about 500 AD.Things changed very rapidly towards the end of 1st century AD. Although families still lived in one home, during the Imperial Age, women could own land, run businesses, free slaves, make wills, be heirs themselves, and get a job in some professions.
The ancient Romans tried to help their family grow through marriage, divorce, adoption, and re-marriage.
After a divorce, ex-in-laws were still important, as were their children. Adopted children had the same rights as any of the other children, rights based on their sex and age. In addition to wives and children, wealthy ancient Roman homes supported slaves. The ancient Romans greatly respected and cared for their elderly. When the older members of a family became too tired for other activities, they could always play with their grandchildren and great grandchildren, all of whom had all been born under their roof, and would one day be honoring them at the Parentalia, the festival of the dead.
In the Imperial Age: Late 1st century AD to about 500 AD.Things changed very rapidly towards the end of 1st century AD. Although families still lived in one home, during the Imperial Age, women could own land, run businesses, free slaves, make wills, be heirs themselves, and get a job in some professions.
The ancient Romans tried to help their family grow through marriage, divorce, adoption, and re-marriage.
After a divorce, ex-in-laws were still important, as were their children. Adopted children had the same rights as any of the other children, rights based on their sex and age. In addition to wives and children, wealthy ancient Roman homes supported slaves. The ancient Romans greatly respected and cared for their elderly. When the older members of a family became too tired for other activities, they could always play with their grandchildren and great grandchildren, all of whom had all been born under their roof, and would one day be honoring them at the Parentalia, the festival of the dead.
Roman Style
The Romans used only 7 letters to represent all numbers . . .
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000
Letters are placed before or after each other to lower or increase their value.
IX = 9 MXI = 1011 MCMLXXXVIII = 1988 IIMM = 1998
On the other hand, The Roman Language is based on the Latin alphabet. The Romans spoke Latin. These are the letters of the Roman alphabet . . . The letters K, Y and Z weren't used very often. The letter J was the same as I, and U the same as V.
Roman Schools Rome didn't have any public schools. Most children went to private school or studied at home.Their subjects were reading, writing, and arithmetic. In many homes, the slaves taught the children. Before the age of fourteen, they studied Latin and Greek.
I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000
Letters are placed before or after each other to lower or increase their value.
IX = 9 MXI = 1011 MCMLXXXVIII = 1988 IIMM = 1998
On the other hand, The Roman Language is based on the Latin alphabet. The Romans spoke Latin. These are the letters of the Roman alphabet . . . The letters K, Y and Z weren't used very often. The letter J was the same as I, and U the same as V.
Roman Schools Rome didn't have any public schools. Most children went to private school or studied at home.Their subjects were reading, writing, and arithmetic. In many homes, the slaves taught the children. Before the age of fourteen, they studied Latin and Greek.
Roman Wears
A Roman CitizenMost of the time the Roman men would wear a simple tunic which was fastened with a belt and went down to his knees. He would wear sandals in the house called SALEAE and when he went out he would wear heavier sandals called CALCEI. On important times he wore a TOGA made of fine wool . it went over the body hanging over the right shoulder.
A Roman LadyThe women wore a STOLA over their bodies. This was made of fine wool and reached down to her ankles. The roman women liked their hair well done and piled high on top of their heads with a lot of curls. They wore make up on their cheeks, lips and eyes. They also wore jewellery like earrings and bracelets.
How do you put on a toga
A Roman LadyThe women wore a STOLA over their bodies. This was made of fine wool and reached down to her ankles. The roman women liked their hair well done and piled high on top of their heads with a lot of curls. They wore make up on their cheeks, lips and eyes. They also wore jewellery like earrings and bracelets.
How do you put on a toga
Julius caesar
Julius caesar was a Roman military and political leader. He played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Romann Empire. His conquest of Gaul extended the Roman world all the way to the Atlantic Ocean and he also conducted the first Roman invasion of Britain 55 BC; Caesar began a civil war in 49 BC from which he became the undisputed master of the Roman world.After assuming control of government, he began extensive reforms of Roman society and government. He was proclaimed dictator and heavily centralised the bureaucracy of the Republic.Caesar was born into a patrician family.
Caesar may have suffered from epilepsy. He had four documented episodes of what were probably complex partial seizures. There is family history of epilepsy amongst his ancestors and descendants.However, the claim of epilepsy is disputed by some historians and is countered by a claim of hypoglycemia, which sometimes causes epileptic-like fits.
Caesar may have suffered from epilepsy. He had four documented episodes of what were probably complex partial seizures. There is family history of epilepsy amongst his ancestors and descendants.However, the claim of epilepsy is disputed by some historians and is countered by a claim of hypoglycemia, which sometimes causes epileptic-like fits.
Cause and Effect.
Considering that the economy is changing so fast in the United States, teenagers graduating from high school are getting prepare to decide what way should they take to confront their future. Should they go to college? Or should they start working right now? The thing is that the change of the manufacturing economy to service is one of the principal effects of the United States job market in the last 100 years ago. And if these teenagers want to have a good job that pay well, the best way they should take is go to college; because of 25 excellent service jobs in the United States at least 18 require a bachelor’s degree.
One of the principal effects of the job market change in the last 100 years is the change from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. A lot of reasons explain this change in the U.S economy. First of all, the numbers of manufactory jobs has decreased significantly because two basic causes; the automation replacing factory workers and the manufactory is now done outside of the U.S. For example, the percentage of manufacturing jobs has gone down dramatically since the beginning of the 20th century and it will continue to decrease in the 21st century. But on the other hand, the number of service jobs has increase a lot, again because two reasons, one is the change of the American population and the other is the technology. At the same time that the manufacturing jobs has gone down, there has been a great increase in percentage of service jobs. Basically 100 year ago the, only 20% of workers worked in service, but today 80% do. And we can see too that by the 2020, the percentage will increase to 90%; in other words the workers in U.S will supply services and not products. Well other important effect of the changing job marked in the Unites States, and one of the most important around the world capitalized is the development of new technologies applied to the industry, the economy and the urbanization of most of the countries, I mean, the automation of the factories, the technician of the agro industries, the use of the microchip in almost all the appliances and the majority of the tools in the emprises. All of this have changed the modality of working now day, as example, in a factory, the factory needs personnel staff that must be qualified to work with machines, therefore if you expect to work in a factory you should start your training, other simple example is that the people who work now day in a job with a good salary have to know how to use an computer, I mean, that if you want to join of the culturing of consumerism, you have to know how to go with the hand with the technology.
One of the principal effects of the job market change in the last 100 years is the change from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. A lot of reasons explain this change in the U.S economy. First of all, the numbers of manufactory jobs has decreased significantly because two basic causes; the automation replacing factory workers and the manufactory is now done outside of the U.S. For example, the percentage of manufacturing jobs has gone down dramatically since the beginning of the 20th century and it will continue to decrease in the 21st century. But on the other hand, the number of service jobs has increase a lot, again because two reasons, one is the change of the American population and the other is the technology. At the same time that the manufacturing jobs has gone down, there has been a great increase in percentage of service jobs. Basically 100 year ago the, only 20% of workers worked in service, but today 80% do. And we can see too that by the 2020, the percentage will increase to 90%; in other words the workers in U.S will supply services and not products. Well other important effect of the changing job marked in the Unites States, and one of the most important around the world capitalized is the development of new technologies applied to the industry, the economy and the urbanization of most of the countries, I mean, the automation of the factories, the technician of the agro industries, the use of the microchip in almost all the appliances and the majority of the tools in the emprises. All of this have changed the modality of working now day, as example, in a factory, the factory needs personnel staff that must be qualified to work with machines, therefore if you expect to work in a factory you should start your training, other simple example is that the people who work now day in a job with a good salary have to know how to use an computer, I mean, that if you want to join of the culturing of consumerism, you have to know how to go with the hand with the technology.
16 abr 2008
4 abr 2008
1 abr 2008
Plato was a classical greek philosopher, who together with his teacher,Socrates, and his student Aristoteles, helped to lay the philosophical foundations of western culture. He was also a mathematician and writer of philosophical dialogues of theAcademy in Athens.Plato was originally a student of Socrates, and was influenced by his thinking, before his death.The dialogues have since Plato is time been used to teach a range of subjects, including Philosophy, Logic, Rhetoric and Mathematics.
He was born in Athens or Aegina between 424 and 423 BC His father was Ariston. Ariston descent from the king of Athens, Condrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus. Plato's mother was Perictione, family of a relationship with the famous Athenian lawmake and lyric poet solon.
According to Diogenes Laertius, the philosopher was named Aristocles after his grandfather, but his wrestling coach, Ariston of Argos, dubbed him "Platon", meaning "broad" on account of his robust figure.
He was born in Athens or Aegina between 424 and 423 BC His father was Ariston. Ariston descent from the king of Athens, Condrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus. Plato's mother was Perictione, family of a relationship with the famous Athenian lawmake and lyric poet solon.
According to Diogenes Laertius, the philosopher was named Aristocles after his grandfather, but his wrestling coach, Ariston of Argos, dubbed him "Platon", meaning "broad" on account of his robust figure.
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